Widget Documentation


Putting Oodle widgets on your site is very simple:
  1. Choose the widget you want.
  2. Grab the "starter code" for that widget.
  3. Customize the widget by editing the starter code. Set widget parameters to get the UI and results that you want.
  4. Copy-and-paste that completed widget code onto your site.

Available Widgets

300x250 HTML - Medium Rectangle

Starter Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://i.oodleimg.com/js/widget/publisher/widget.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var opw = new OodlePublisherWidget('300','250','design','medrecthoriz');
opw.param['key'] = 'TEST';
opw.param['region'] = 'usa';

Required Widget Parameters

There are only two parameters that are required:


Required. The API key assigned to you by Oodle. It must be specified in every widget.
Required. A region is a metro area or an entire country. Each Oodle region has a unique string.

Possible values:
See the current list on the Regions List page.

UI Parameters

There are many parameters available to change the look and feel of the widgets:


the full SRC of a fallback image to display if there are no listings
• e.g. "http://www.foo.com/image/nolistings.gif"
where should a click on the fallback img take the user
• e.g. "http://www.foo.com"
what font should be used in the widget?
• e.g. "Arial"
text to be displayed in the footer
• e.g. "Check out Foo.com for more!"
hex value for the background color of widget header
• e.g. "#5688AD"
hex value for the color of the font in the widget header
• e.g. "#FFFFFF"
where should text in the header link to?
• e.g. "http://www.foo.com"
text to be displayed in the header
• e.g. "Stuff For Sale At Foo.com"
hex value for background color of each listing
• e.g. "#FFFFFF"
hex value for contrast color in each listing
• e.g. "#AE3C3C"
hex value for color of borders around each listing
• e.g. "#DDDDDD"
hex value for color of text in each listing
• e.g. "#000000"
hex value for color of links in each listing
• e.g. "#0000FF"

Search Parameters

To specify which search results show up in the widget, use the parameter names and values on the "listings" method on our Oodle API.

For example, to get all Hondas within 5 miles of zip code 94401, you would set these parameters:
  • region = usa
  • location = 94401
  • radius = 5
  • category = vehicle/car
  • attributes = make_honda
In the widget, it would look like this:

var opw = new OodlePublisherWidget('300', '250', design','medrecthoriz');
opw.param['key'] = 'TEST';
opw.param['region'] = 'usa';
opw.param['location'] = '94401';
opw.param['radius'] = '5';
opw.param['category'] = 'vehicle/car';
opw.param['attributes'] = 'make_honda';